

Jun 16, 2023

Driving down solar costs key to unlocking green hydrogen future

First off, replacing one multi-trillion dollar system of inefficient infrastructure (fossil fuel) with another even less-efficient one based in kind on combustion (hydrogen), is unimaginatively myopic and a bit ludicrous.

Second, although I was probably one of the most enthusiastic followers of Erthos and their common-sense concept for utility scale solar, after discovering they sought – and obtained – a patent for the “technology” of drilling holes in panel frames and lying them on the ground sans racking, I am now an inveterate cynic about this company. How the patent office could ever approve such a thing is astonishing – deleting elements of an extant design or methodology should not constitute a valid item of intellectual property. This would be similar to someone patenting rooftop solar racking IN GENERAL as a method, as opposed to particular pieces of equipment. This company reminds me of Auxin solar: just another pariah seeking to benefit by tolling the entire industry.